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Prepping for Economic Turbulence: Navigating a Recession/Depression in New Zealand

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Prepping for recession in nz

Hey there! Today, I want to talk about a topic that’s on everyone’s minds these days: preparing for an economic downturn. We’ve all witnessed the impact of recessions and depressions worldwide, and while New Zealand may have weathered some storms in the past, it never hurts to be ready. In this blog post, I’ll focus on the prepping aspect of surviving and thriving during an economic crisis right here in New Zealand.

Understanding Recessions and Depressions

Understanding recessions and depressions is crucial when it comes to preparing for economic turbulence. A recession refers to a significant decline in economic activity, typically lasting for a few quarters. It is often marked by a decrease in the gross domestic product (GDP), rising unemployment rates, and reduced consumer spending. On the other hand, a depression is a severe and prolonged economic downturn that lasts for several years, characterized by high levels of unemployment, decreased production, and a general sense of economic despair. While recessions can be challenging, depressions bring even greater hardships. By understanding the nature of these economic downturns, we can better comprehend the potential impact they may have on our personal finances, job security, and overall well-being. This understanding allows us to take proactive steps to prepare ourselves and our families for the challenges that may arise during these difficult times.

Build a Solid Financial Foundation:

Prepping for an economic crisis starts with a strong financial foundation. Consider taking the following steps:

Create an Emergency Fund

Creating an emergency fund is an essential step in preparing for a recession or depression. An emergency fund serves as a financial safety net during times of uncertainty and can provide a sense of security when facing unexpected expenses or a loss of income. The general rule of thumb is to save at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses in an easily accessible account. This fund should be separate from your regular savings and should be kept in a liquid form such as a high-yield savings account, a money market fund or cash. By consistently setting aside a portion of your income and prioritizing your emergency fund, you can build a financial buffer that will help you navigate through economic downturns with greater confidence and peace of mind.

Reduce Debt

Prioritize paying off high-interest debt such as credit cards or personal loans. Becoming debt-free will provide financial flexibility during tough times.

Diversify Income Sources

Diversifying income sources is a crucial strategy for preparing for a recession or depression. Relying solely on a single source of income can leave us vulnerable to sudden job losses or reductions in earnings. By diversifying our income streams, we create a safety net that can help mitigate the impact of economic downturns. This can be achieved by exploring additional part-time or freelance work, starting a side business or online venture, investing in income-generating assets, or acquiring new skills that can lead to multiple job opportunities. Diversification not only provides us with additional sources of income but also enhances our adaptability and resilience in the face of changing economic conditions. By having multiple income streams, we can better weather financial storms and maintain a more stable financial position during challenging times.

Stockpiling Essentials

When an economic downturn hits, it’s important to be prepared for potential shortages and rising prices. Consider stockpiling the following essentials:

a) Food and Water: Store non-perishable food items, such as canned goods, rice, pasta, and dried beans. Aim for a three-month supply for each family member. Don’t forget to store an ample amount of drinking water.

b) Medical Supplies: Keep a well-stocked first aid kit, including prescription medications, over-the-counter medicines, and basic medical supplies.

c) Hygiene and Sanitation Products: Maintain a good supply of toiletries, hand sanitizers, soap, and cleaning supplies. These items may become scarce during a recession.

d) Fuel and Energy: Consider having extra fuel on hand for heating and cooking purposes. Additionally, invest in alternative energy sources such as solar panels or portable generators.


Focus on Self-Sufficiency

Focusing on self-sufficiency is a key aspect of preparing for a recession or depression. When economic conditions become uncertain, relying less on external resources and cultivating self-reliance can provide a sense of security. By developing skills such as gardening, food preservation, and basic home repairs, we become less dependent on external services and products. Growing our own food, harnessing renewable energy sources, and learning practical skills not only help us save money but also increase our resilience in times of scarcity or rising prices. Embracing self-sufficiency encourages resourcefulness, creativity, and a deeper connection with our environment. It empowers us to take control of our own well-being and reduces our vulnerability to external economic shocks.


Community Building

Building community is a crucial element of preparing for a recession or depression. In times of economic turbulence, strong and supportive communities can provide a lifeline of assistance, resources, and emotional support. Engaging with like-minded individuals who share similar concerns and interests can lead to the formation of networks that can be relied upon during challenging times. Joining local prepper groups, community organizations, or neighborhood associations focused on self-sufficiency can foster relationships built on trust and cooperation. Through these connections, we can share knowledge, exchange goods and services, and collectively work towards a more resilient community. Building community not only enhances our ability to cope with economic hardships, but it also cultivates a sense of belonging, unity, and shared purpose, reminding us that we are not alone in facing the uncertainties of the future.


Preparing for a recession or depression in New Zealand requires a proactive approach. By building a solid financial foundation, stockpiling essentials, cultivating self-sufficiency, and fostering community bonds, you can increase your resilience and adaptability during challenging times. Remember, prepping is not about fear but rather about empowering yourself and your loved ones to face any situation head-on. Stay prepared, stay positive, and together, we can weather any storm that comes our way.

Stay safe!

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